Afghan Development and Vocational Training Program is committed to consider all possibilities for Gender Diversity in its work place. In order to have a well-organized system in the organization we have to keep balance of representation of gender, in a country like Afghanistan it is difficult to keep ratio of gender in work field, but we will try our best to consider balance of representation in work field of both men and women. In Afghanistan from decision making stage till finishing stage all the activities are traditionally dominated by men. We will consider gender equality in our field work for the cause of improving reputation which will be resulted to good system of work, transparency and accountability in the organization.



 In organization collective action and solidarity are addressing a specific issue through a united action of individuals in the organization. Collective action and Solidarity have very widely meaning in social issues, but in organization it will be limited to labor law of the individuals in the organization in regards to their rights, peace, security, women’s and human rights…etc. ADVTP will try its best to consider and fulfill all the relevant freedom and rights of the employees in work place, ADVTP itself is member of Afghan NGOs Coordination Body (ANCB) and Afghan Civil Society Joint Working Group (ACS-JWG) for the cause of solidarity and joint action regarding social issues in the country.


 Afghan Development and Vocational Training Program is an Afghan NGO established in 1991, since that time this organization implemented many humanitarian Projects with the direct support of UN agencies (UNHCR, WFP, FAO, UNICEF, UNOPS, UNDP, IRC, USAID, IIRO, OPS etc). The ADVTP expect further donation and support of Donor Agencies to help and reach needy and vulnerable people across the war-torn country in the future. This Organization has experienced staff, and has good relation with society, donors and pertinent authorities. Unfortunately, due to the security situation of Afghanistan, we are not remained safe from the negative effects of war and terror, if we have had opportunities of access to insecure and war affected area of the country we would have been able to implement humanitarian projects and fulfill our tasks properly and successfully. 


ADVTP tactic to reaching out the most vulnerable in the communities is based on the participatory and consultative approach. ADVTP implemented hundreds of projects in close coordination with, consultations, and engagements of the stakeholders, community leaders, influential figures, and the local councils. This practice culminated on yielding better results and ensuring the sustainability of the interventions.