The following are some of the ways that ADVTP is helping to assist and grow the communities. 

1. Humanitarian and Emergency Response

 In the following areas, ADVTP continually makes increasing contributions to assisting and advancing the communities: Emergency and humanitarian response delivering efficient and open humanitarian aid to those in need throughout Afghanistan. 

This might comprise: Emergency education and education (EiE). Agriculture, food security, temporary housing, and non-food items. Protection of nutrition and combating gender-based violence (GBV) in daily life. 

2. Development and longer terms interventions

 Sustainable, self-sufficient towns and cities with high standards of living, social interaction, and recreation. This might comprise, but is not restricted to: the provision of vocational and technical skills based on a thorough needs assessment process, which includes a labor market analysis, in order to boost income generation and promote more work options.
 Providing persons with literacy and math skills who would be unable to complete formal education. giving girls and women equal opportunities, notably in employment