Request for Vehicle Rental Services ADVTP NGO

Our ADVTP NGO organization need a one (1) Vehicle rental for 6 months site office of project :Afghan Vulnerable People Skill Development    (AVPSD)  project in Mohammad Agha District of  Logar province.

Organization Background: 

 Afghan Development and Vocational Training Program (ADVTP) is a non-profitable, non-political, non-governmental organization established in1991 working with the poor and marginalized community to reduce poverty and inequality through an innovative approach and rights based perspective. The organization is registered with the government of Afghanistan, Ministry of Economy (Registration No 301).on 2006. (ADVTP) is committed to gender equity and a rights‐based approach to programming promoting active participation of communities in decision-making and in the planning, implementation and evaluation of programs. Women, Children and Youth are at the heart of (ADVTP) Afghanistan’s community‐based efforts to improve education, employment, agriculture and expand local economic opportunities. ADVTP is committed to formulate and implement effective programs to foster sustainable changes in the lives of vulnerable groups of Afghans especially women. ADVTP program development is through a series of consultative and participatory approaches and activities are those identified by afghan men and women in communities as high priority areas for their social and economic development. ADVTP program areas are in line with the Afghanistan National Development Strategy (ANDS). It aims to contribute to the Afghanistan Sustainable Development Goals (ASDGs) and address the fundamental challenges facing Afghans. ADVTP works to reduce poverty and inequality through an innovative approach and rights based perspective. The organization is committed to gender equality and a rights‐based approach to programming promoting active participation of the poor and marginalized communities in decision-making and in the planning, implementation and evaluation of projects and activities. Transportation routes, Agriculture resources, Vocational Training and Educational programs. The main office is located in Kabul Afghanistan with four regional offices in Logar , Parwan, , Paktia, Khost and one liaison office in Peshawar. ADVTP has been carrying out its activities/ services in Kabul, Logar, Khost, Paktia, parwan,kundoz and Takhar provinces in the sector of Vocational Training program Construction/Rehabilitation of Road, Bridge, Water supply (Pipe scheme, shallow well, drawing point) Shelter, Irrigation, Poultry, Food production, Capacity building, Emergency / Free Distribution etc. ADVTP is governed by a five member board of directors. ADVTP is committed to provide its employees with adequate benefits and facilities to enable them to perform their duties satisfactorily and enjoy a good working atmosphere.

 Vehicle Requirements:

Type of Vehicle Needed: The type Sarcha car or  collor  of vehicle needed depends on the specific requirements of the user.

Specific Features Required: Some specific features that might be required include:

Driver’s License: Driver license will be no expire.

Vehicle Document : Vehicle  all document clear from Afghanistan Government  ,No Remaining Some Tax  and other documents.

Vehicle will be Registered with all document Afghanistan Main Traffic Office.

Vehicle will be good condition .Vehicle all parts will be goods.

Capacity: The capacity of the vehicle in terms of seating.                         

Fuel Efficiency: The fuel efficiency of the vehicle, especially important for long trips or frequent use.

 Rental Duration

ADVTP NGO Need Vehicle rental for 6 months the project duration in Mohammad Agha Distract Logar Province Afghanistan.

Starting Date  :1- December-2023

Ending Date : 31 May 2024  


When our ADVTP NGO organization select Vehicle for Rent .Our Organization contract sign with  in 2 installment according ADVTP NGO organization policy. 

 Submission Details:

How interested parties can submit their quotes for the vehicle rental. Below the find quotes document than download  and filling  quotes.

Download here   :

Note: When You filled the quotes than physical summit to ADVTP NGO organization .

Main office Address: Sadat Market Floor 3 office No 18 near chaman Uzoori Jade-e-Maiwand Main Road Kabul,Afghanistan.

Contact No: 0799331742-0700205671


25/ November/2023 


Late Summit quotes does not accepting our ADVTP Organization .