Job Location: Logar                               Nationality: Afghan          Category: Monitoring and Evaluation 

Employment Type: Full Time             Salary: Based on HI salary scale       Vacancy Number: ME -3304


No. Of Jobs: 1                                          City: Mohammad Agha Distract Logar Province                            

Organization: Afghan Development & Vocational Training Center (ADVTP) NGO 

Years of Experience: At least 1 to 3 years’ experience in monitoring and evaluation 

Contract Duration: 6 Months - Extendable subject to fund availability            Gender: Male


Education: Relevant Bachelor Degree from a recognized University (social work, business or other relevant degree) 

Close date: 2024-01-010

Organization Background: 

 Afghan Development and Vocational Training Program (ADVTP) is a non-profitable, non-political, non-governmental organization established in1991 working with the poor and marginalized community to reduce poverty and inequality through an innovative approach and rights based perspective. The organization is registered with the government of Afghanistan, Ministry of Economy (Registration No 301).on 2006. (ADVTP) is committed to gender equity and a rights‐based approach to programming promoting active participation of communities in decision-making and in the planning, implementation and evaluation of programs. Women, Children and Youth are at the heart of (ADVTP) Afghanistan’s community‐based efforts to improve education, employment, agriculture and expand local economic opportunities. ADVTP is committed to formulate and implement effective programs to foster sustainable changes in the lives of vulnerable groups of Afghans especially women. ADVTP program development is through a series of consultative and participatory approaches and activities are those identified by afghan men and women in communities as high priority areas for their social and economic development. ADVTP program areas are in line with the Afghanistan National Development Strategy (ANDS). It aims to contribute to the Afghanistan Sustainable Development Goals (ASDGs) and address the fundamental challenges facing Afghans. ADVTP works to reduce poverty and inequality through an innovative approach and rights based perspective. The organization is committed to gender equality and a rights‐based approach to programming promoting active participation of the poor and marginalized communities in decision-making and in the planning, implementation and evaluation of projects and activities. Transportation routes, Agriculture resources, Vocational Training and Educational programs. The main office is located in Kabul Afghanistan with four regional offices in Logar , Parwan, , Paktia, Khost and one liaison office in Peshawar. ADVTP has been carrying out its activities/ services in Kabul, Logar, Khost, Paktia, parwan,kundoz and Takhar provinces in the sector of Vocational Training program Construction/Rehabilitation of Road, Bridge, Water supply (Pipe scheme, shallow well, drawing point) Shelter, Irrigation, Poultry, Food production, Capacity building, Emergency / Free Distribution etc. ADVTP is governed by a five member board of directors. ADVTP is committed to provide its employees with adequate benefits and facilities to enable them to perform their duties satisfactorily and enjoy a good working atmosphere.


 The Objective of the service is to ensure that all projects of UNDP Afghanistan are monitored and evaluated effectively, and that best practices and lessons learnt are collated and disseminated The outputs of this component include: 1. Projects data collection and Monitoring and Evaluation system established; 3. Lessons learnt and recommendations prepared and distributed among staff; With respect to first output, the Service Provider is expected to develop and manage a sound and adapted-to-context monitoring, evaluation, and learning system, across all UNDP Afghanistan program that leverages qualitative and quantitative methods, and draws from a variety of data sources to measure progress, evaluate impact and promote learning. For the development of the M&E system the following activities are expected (at least): 

(i) definition of specific methods and tools to monitor projects indicators;

 (ii) proposition of standardized sector indicators, compatible with UNDP indicators and LCRP indicators;

 (iii) development of a data collection and M&E systems; 

 (iv) design of a MEAL strategy in line with UNDP program needs and best MEAL practice, supported by practical guidelines; 

(v) monitoring and evaluation of project activities (operational progress, outputs, and outcomes vi design and undertake in-depth internal evaluations as required vii provide technical input on MEAL to project proposals as required. With respect to the second output, the Service Provider is expected to facilitate the learning process for the development of evidence-based programming, as well as facilitate the knowledge transfer to increase the quality of UNDP actions. For the promotion of lessons learnt and best practices, the following activities are envisaged:

 (i) analysis and compilation of best practices and lessons learnt; 

 (ii) coordination with UNDP Advocacy & Communication Department, for the development of a communication strategy targeting dissemination of best practices targeting different stakeholder segments 

(iii) identify technical gaps and support identification of appropriate capacity building needs and opportunities 

 (iv) organization of one annual workshop fir the restitution of best practices to UNDP staff 

(v) organization of workshops to enhance transparency, accountability, and learning mind-set in the mission, building capacity and providing technical support to UNDP staff (and partners) in the implementation of the MEAL frameworks and procedures

2. Responsibilities 

SCOPE OF THE SERVICE The overall objective of the assignment is the implementation of operational Monitoring and Evaluation for UNDP projects in Afghanistan. The purpose is to provide the project teams with tools to effectively monitor projects progresses and achievements, and to feed management with feedback from beneficiaries and local communities. The Service Provider is expected to: 
 i) Study all projects documents (including, but not limited to the project documents and amendments therein, work plans, log frame and result matrix. 
ii)  Review the M&E needs and plans for each project, and extract relevant indicators to monitor the projects outcomes and outputs 

 iii) Establish an effective data collection system and reporting forms for capturing quantitative and qualitative information

 iv Identify sources of verification that the project can use. As much as possible, use existing data sources embedded in existing systems 
 v Establish an operational manual of M&E system that includes the above and guides the project team in processing and evaluating the information 
vi Implement the established M&E system during the life cycle of all the projects on 
vii . going during the period of implementation of the assignment
 viii Propose new relevant indicators to monitor the outcomes and outputs for all projects in the proposal-writing phase.

Specific objectives: 

 To formulate a set of relevant, simple and straightforward indicators to monitor the project outputs and activities, through establishing of M&E system; 

To implement the established M&E system during the remaining life cycle of the project. 

Inputs to be provided by UNDP to the selected Service Provider: 

  •  M&E Log frames of all on-going projects 
  •  Project document and amendments therein of all on-going projects 
  •  Project progress reports of all on-going projects 
  •  Baseline studies 

 Previously developed tools and data Outputs/ Deliverables by Service Provider:

  •  Manual on M&E indicators 
  •  Manual on Reporting 
  •  M&E System 
  •  Produce an operational manual of M&E 
  •  Monthly Progress Reports 

 Quarterly M&E Reports The timeframe/sequence of activities:

 The whole timeframe of the required services is 6 months, including one month of inception phase and an additional two months of probation period. The duration for each activity will be announced by the potential service provider in the proposed methodology. 

 The methodology / approach of the assignment 

 The expected outcome shall be achieved through the most appropriate methodology plan which is to be proposed by the potential service provider and is to include approaches to maximize the beneficiaries’ participation in the process. The Service Provider must provide a detailed description of the essential performance characteristics, reporting conditions and quality assurance mechanisms that will be put in place, while demonstrating that the proposed methodology will be appropriate to the local conditions and context of the work.

3. Qualifications and Experience 

  • Minimum 2 years of work experience in the M&E Sector. 
  •  Post-graduate or Professional degree or equivalent standard of education from a recognized university. Similar role within an NGO or international organization. 
  •  Proficiency in Dari ,Pashto, English is essential, both written and spoken
  •  Candidates for the role of M&E will have to prove their: 
  • Track record as Project managers of Project. 
  •  Track record in building and strengthening a strong organizational . 
  •  Practical knowledge and experience in M&E Plan.


  •  KABO software 
  • Google document 
  •  Microsoft office Excellent 
  • In M&E Report writing 

  •  Data Collection and Analysis: Proficiency in collecting relevant data using appropriate methods and tools. Skill in analyzing and interpreting data to assess project/program outcomes and impacts. 

  • Monitoring Systems Design: Ability to design and implement robust monitoring systems that capture relevant data, indicators, and targets aligned with project/program objectives. 

  • Evaluation Design and Implementation: Knowledge of evaluation methodologies and techniques, including designing and conducting formative, summative, and impact evaluations.

  •  Results-Based Management: Understanding of results-based management principles, including designing logical frameworks, setting SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound) indicators, and monitoring progress towards outcomes and impacts. 

  •  Performance Measurement: Skill in developing performance measurement frameworks and systems, including defining key performance indicators (KPIs) and establishing data collection mechanisms. 

  •  Data Management and Reporting: Proficiency in data management, including data cleaning, organization, and storage. Ability to prepare clear and concise reports for stakeholders, highlighting key findings and recommendations Quantitative and Qualitative Research Methods: Knowledge of both quantitative and qualitative research methods, including survey design, sampling techniques, interviews, focus groups, and data triangulation. 

  • Data Visualization and Reporting Tools: Familiarity with data visualization tools and software to effectively present and communicate data findings, such as charts, graphs, dashboards, and infographics. 

  • Impact Assessment: Skill in conducting impact assessments to determine the long term effects and sustainability of projects/programs, including assessing social, economic, and environmental impacts. 

  • Learning and Adaptation: Ability to facilitate learning from M&E findings and promote adaptive management, ensuring that lessons learned inform program design and implementation. 

  • Stakeholder Engagement: Proficiency in engaging and collaborating with project/program stakeholders, including beneficiaries, partners, and donors, to ensure their involvement in M&E processes.

  •  Ethical Conduct: Demonstrating ethical conduct in data collection, analysis, and reporting, ensuring confidentiality, informed consent, and respect for participants' rights.

 Terms and Conditions 

  • Contract type: full-time 
  •  Duration: 6 month 
  • Location: Muhammad agha district logar province Afghanistan. 
  •  Compensation: Competitive salary and benefits package, in accordance with the organization's policies.


Interested candidates are requested to submit their applications, including a cover letter and updated CV, to /0700205671.

 Note: The ADVTP NGO is an equal opportunity employer, and applications are encouraged from qualified individuals irrespective of race, gender, age, or disability.